17 December 2006

Mrs. Brady did a great job yesterday at the Peter and the Wolf concert. She didn't actually conduct the piece - she narrated. But the super-cute conductor, Benjamin Shwartz let her take the baton for a brief moment. The San Francisco Youth Orchestra is always fun to watch....even though I did notice that the number of long-haired boys decreased dramatically this year (what's up with that?). The coolest number that they did in addition to Peter and the Wolf was a percussion piece where a huge timpani faced the audience and stayed on stage as 4 drummers came up the aisles playing a half beat behind each other on what looked like snare drums. It was amazing. As you can see, we like to sit over the orchestra so we can see the musicians up close and personal, as well as see the conductor's face. If you've never sat at this angle, I highly recommend it at least once so you can see the passion in the facial expressions and hand and body movements that the conductor puts into each piece.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i agree...i've never been there before and i *LOVED* It...

only one comment..i would say that the 4 additonal drummers were playing Toms.

they seemed taller than a snare...maybe a deep snare is out there?

they carried them like drummers carry snare drums like in drum corps or something? (im not a drummer) but they sounded like tom-toms.

just my 2 cents!

i loved the show!