07 February 2008

I just love Ry's weather station he got for Christmas. He's now the official forecaster for the entire family. Scott climbed up on the roof to put up this wind thingy majiggy (also known as an anemometer) and it's great fun to see the wind speed. I'm not sure if my favorite thing is to read the outside temperature (with wind chill) or to see the sunrise and sunset times each day. Soon we're going to let him hook it up to the computer and then maybe we can become one of the weather stations on Weather Underground. If you look closely, you can see that in the last week we've received more than 3 inches of rain. Thankfully we're in the middle of some sunshine for a couple of days.....I needed it for recovery of the flu I've had for the last 10 days. The white bucket thing is the rain gauge - and of course there's a digital thermometer. The only thing we haven't put out yet is the UV measurer - haven't been too concerned in January and February about the UV counts. But we will!
Anyway, the learning opportunities for Ry with this thing are endless....so I highly recommend getting your 9-year-old real-life products that can benefit the whole family!

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