13 July 2007

It's been a musical few weeks especially for Ry. Sadly I don't have a photo of his June piano recital (all video), but I do have his vocal recital where he was part of a trio singing a beautiful Hungarian song.

We then move on to his Capoeira Batizado, where they began by letting those kids who can really play the instruments do so. Here he plays the berimbau (that's him sitting on the bench with the long stick-looking thing in his hands), and sings - in Portuguese, of course.

And finally - what we've been waiting for since he was seven and found out he needed to be eight - BANDWORKS! It's been a week of rock n' roll camp folks, and Ry rocked out on the guitar and drums. He worked the vocals a couple of times, but let me tell you, the kid's been wanting to play drums forever and a day, and he sure did prove his case that he should continue. We can highly recommend Bandworks, should your kid have any interest in expanding their musical experiences.

The culmination of the week is a concert where they play about five songs. Since he did the morning and afternoon sessions, we got two concerts and ten songs. I'm not even going to pretend I knew all the songs - I'm not so up on my Nirvana, White Stripes and Jimi Hendrix. But I did know the Led Zeppelin, Beatles and Green Day so I was happy.

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