19 May 2007

Oh my gawd.....no seriously.....oh my gawd.....these are the best cupcakes ever. FINALLY - I baked cupcakes for a bake sale and got to use my Cupcake Courier for it's intended purpose! These S’mores Cupcakes are actually better than the original concept - and you don't have to get all dirty and buggy sitting around a campfire and sleeping on the cold hard ground somewhere in the wilderness. One of my very favorite food blogs (see 2.19.07 post) is Cupcake Bakeshop by Chockylit and she really created a spectacular recipe with this one. Honestly, I'm now adding her link to my sidebar.....or you can sign up for her e-mail (hmmm....sound familiar?) and get the new recipes as they come out. Here's a piece of advice for you though - don't start the recipe at 6 pm on Friday night when they need to be there at 8 am on Saturday morning. Especially if you've never done it before. And if you're math isn't very good when you're trying to make 36 cupcakes with a recipe for 15. And the 15 turns out to be 11 because you fill the papers a little full. And the graham cracker bottoms turn out to be 18....well, just because. So you have to make a whole new batch after you figure out that you only have 22 cupcakes.....huh? And you decide to use canned frosting because the demographic at the bake sale won't understand or appreciate Valrhona 61% cocoa ganache (and don't even get me started on return on investment - that's not really the point) but then you run out of frosting at 1:30 am and have to make some out of powdered sugar, butter and cocoa. And then you have to learn to fill and use the new culinary torch you bought specifically for the purpose of "roasting" the homemade marshmallows (see 12.3.06 post) without lighting your own hands on fire at 2 am. And you finally lay your head on the pillow at 2:45 am after your husband went to bed at 12:30 am without helping, saying "you made your Martha, now you lie in it" or something to that effect. And after all the effort did I even get to try it? Not until just now - and I never have to eat another dessert again - this is IT. Was it all worth it? Well, let's just say I now have a story to tell, which,when you think about it, really is better than a sharp stick in the eye. And guess what? I get to do it all again for Si's birthday on Wednesday. Sigh.